Terms of Use Renewmyday

1. Introduction Renewmyday B.V. and its parent company Holistic Health Concepts International B.V. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Renewmyday”) exercise the utmost care and attention to the content and operation of their websites, including www.renewmyday.com, www.program.renewmyday.com, and other subdomains, as well as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offered through their platform (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Renewmyday website and/or platform”). Despite this diligence, it is possible that information on the Renewmyday website and/or platform may be incorrect or incomplete.

Renewmyday strives to ensure the availability of the platform and to resolve any disruptions as quickly as possible. Additionally, Renewmyday reserves the right to modify or remove information on the platform without prior notice.

2. Copyright and Usage Visitors, partners, and (potential) clients may not publish, reproduce, or distribute copyrighted materials or other information from the platform without prior written consent from Renewmyday or the relevant rights holder.

3. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice Renewmyday offers both Individual Guidance and Self-Help via its platform. The services provided by Renewmyday are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of severe or acute psychological issues, users should contact a doctor or, in the event of suicidal thoughts, reach out to 113.

4. Intake and Individual Guidance (Potential) clients can conduct an intake interview or book 1:1 sessions with psychologists, (general) practitioners, and other experts (“experts”) via the platform. These experts operate independently of Renewmyday. Renewmyday does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on expert profiles nor does it promise specific results. Clients are responsible for determining whether a trust-based relationship is established with an expert and for deciding whether to continue or discontinue the service accordingly.

5. Self-Help Renewmyday offers (potential) clients various self-help tools, including a vitality program, on-demand content, questionnaires, coaching tools, and e-health modules. Some of these services are provided by external partners. Renewmyday cannot guarantee that all tools are suitable for every user and advises clients with specific health conditions to consult their doctor beforehand. Participation in self-help activities is at the user’s own risk.

6. Health Declaration and Personal Responsibility Clients with conditions such as low/high blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, severe psychological illnesses, or respiratory issues are advised to seek medical advice beforehand. Renewmyday reserves the right to deny access to the platform or certain services if it believes that participation could be harmful to a client’s health.

7. Liability Exclusion Renewmyday is not liable for:

To the extent permitted by law, Renewmyday excludes all liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the platform or its services.

8. Changes Renewmyday reserves the right to modify this disclaimer at any time and without prior notice. We recommend that users review this disclaimer regularly.

9. Contact For questions or comments regarding this disclaimer, please contact Renewmyday at info@renewmyday.com.