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Improving CO2 tolerance
Enhance your performance both physically and mentally
This CO2 protocol is designed to make your body more efficient in using oxygen. In most Western societies we are facing an increased amount of stress and anxiety, resulting in a change in breathing pattern, often causing over-breathing. This leads to too much CO2 being exhaled and impacts our CO2 tolerance. When we train our CO2 tolerance, we positively impact oxygen uptake (i.e. haemoglobin proteins in red blood cells releasing their load of oxygen to your cells under pressure of CO2, called the Bohr effect) and distribution (i.e. through blood vessel dilation), while managing stress and anxiety better.
Hi! My name is Taylor Somerville, one of the breathing experts of Renewmyday, Founder of Symmetry & Breath and Performance Coach. My purpose is to help busy people take back control of their lives so they have more time, more energy, and less stress.
Listen to my podcasts to improve and control your breath!