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Start today!Breath awareness
Study your breath
Breath is a fundamental pillar of health and wellness. In this video you will become aware of the frequency of your breath. Next to how you breathe, e.g. in through your nose and from your belly upwards, also the frequency of your breath matters. You are breathing optimally when the needs of our body at any given moment are met. At rest we take around 6–12 breaths per minute when breathing at an optimal level, out of which we roughly inhale 2–3 seconds, exhale 3–4 seconds, with an innate pause of 2–3 seconds before initiating the next inhalation.
Hi! I am Amanda MacRae, one of the experts for Renewmyday and a somatic therapist & breathwork practitioner. Originally from Sydney, now living and working in Amsterdam. My purpose for any teaching is to empower others to have a closer relationship with their total self by identifying and dissolving the limiting mental, emotional behavior pattern through the body.
Join me and improve your breathwork!