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Voice note 1 Renee

Personal audio message from Renee

Renee Graadt van Roggen 

Founder of Renewmyday

I’m Renee, founder of Renewmyday. It is my conviction that optimal health and vitality start with mastering your own life. With heavy workloads, deadline pressures, my striving for achievement, and an incapability to switch off, I found myself in a burn-out twice. “My body was running on adrenaline constantly feeling to run a marathon at a sprint pace”. "I felt trapped in my roles as Sales Executive, mother, partner, sister, friend and realized that getting out was the only way forward. But I would take myself along on my next path, so I had to (re)invent a new lifestyle to prevent myself from counteracting my particular pattern of burn-out. I discovered that my life flourishes when I consciously prioritize vitality in my daily routines.



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