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Glutes & Legs

A trained lower body keeps you grounded and strong

Improve your speed and agility with these glutes & leg exercises along with Sarah! Strong glutes help prevent pain and injuries in the knee and low back area, hamstring and groin. We suggest warming up before following this work-out to prepare your muscles. Warming up your muscles helps reduce muscle soreness and lessen your risk of injury. This video includes variations of planking, single glute bridge, lunges and knee lifts, leg raises and squats. 


Hi! My name is Sarah de Mol, one of the experts of Renewmyday. I’m a professional personal trainer, originally from London, now living and working in Amsterdam. I work with all ages and abilities, especially focusing on women's fitness. My purpose is helping and inspiring people to develop a strong body that helps you feel positive and happy.

Let me help you strengthen your body with my short workout videos, anytime and anywhere!



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